Thursday, August 25, 2016


I might be tertinggal keretapi in purchasing this.

 You see, I love makeup so much. I love all about it. For me it's a way of self-expression. I'm addicted to it. But, I dont simply buy things for the sake of nak review. Maybe, one day once duit aku dah berkepuk-kepuk bila dah buat video kat Youtube jadi beauty guru ke mana tahu kan (HAHAHA) mungkinlahhhh aku beli untuk review. As for now, I buy what I think I'd like, yang aku akan guna (ok ni tipu sikit most of the time jarang guna pun) but you know what I mean, things yang aku rasa best dan suka lah basically.

American indie cosmetic brands memang banyak. Those yang suka makeup of course akan tahu, and aku selalu geram je tengok. How I wish industri makeup Malaysia pun berkembang pesat camtu jugak. Nowadays, memang banyak but when I tried some, the result was not up to my expectation. Tak tahulah, maybe i expected too high. I dont know. 

Anyways, kalau sebut Jeffree Star ramai lah MUA or makeup addict tahu. He's actually started back in the days of MySpace. Kicked off with his music career tapi of course, aku bukanlah peminat music dia or style emo dia. But when he started his cosmetics line, i was kinda keen to try sebab products dia bukan la full range makeup, only lip products and recently dia keluarkan highlighter range and also an eyeshadow palette and bagi aku unique 

And being me, a matte liquid lip sucker - nak cuba. Tapi malassssssnyaaaaaa nak order. Mostly pun pre-order. Sis adalah bukan orang yang penyabar sangat pun. Kadang-kadang, harga yang org letak is ridiculously high tak masuk akal, aku faham it is not avaibale in Malaysia and exchange rate could be the reason, shipping whatnot. Tapi melampau mahalnya wehhh. Sis tak sanggup. Lagi pulak not all colors i can wear, being a human with kulit Latina ni kahkahkah

So finally time I decided to try one, the color yang aku rasa the only one aku boleh pakai and seriously memang cantik DAN ALWAYS SOLD OUT. So, bila sampai time dia restock memang gigih la aku order, plus ETA pun tak lama. Sudah bagus. Walaupun harga jadi RM10 lebih mahal kerana aku terlepas dateline order dia and this girl was kind enough to place another order for me, it's just that aku kena bayar shipping sendiri la. Malas nak pening kepala, I agreed je. Satu kaler je pun. Ni kalau sold out jugak aku memang dah give up nak beli sebab lambat nauuuuu restocknye pun..........

So siang malam pagi petang, akhirnya tiba jua.

Excited okay. My first ever Jeffree's liquid lipstick!

Presenting, Jeffree Star Velour Liquid Lipstick; in shade, ANDROGYNY.

Shade ni sebenarnya nak tahu lawa ke idok, ofkos la kena pakai. Cause whatever you saw on the net has been applied on tons of different skin tones. Nak google, make sure la google warna yang orang review almost sama warna kulit dengan kau ya. Selalunya aku, kena yg gelap sikit almaklum kulit latino. haha. JS kaler dia banyak jugak yang extreme sangat utk aku pakai, and ofkos yg light pun banyak kulit cam aku nak pakai tu boleh tapi konpiden harus tinggi ya haha.

Androgyny ni shade dia macam dusty purple, ada pink sikit. Memang warna fav aku lah tu. Almost all my collection pun, semua kaler nak dekat sama. Ada orang bising aku beli kaler-kaler gitu. Mr Riq lettew....sebok je. Dia apa tahu kennnnn...

Maafkanlah kotak yang separa hancur because honey, it made all the way from the USA to MY yo.

So ini lah yang ada diluar kotak, selain details of co and ingredients. Very long lasting, dan yang paling aku pentingkan in a liquid lip is the opacity. This one hands down!


This is how the packaging looks like. Suka sebab botol gemuk pendek macam tuan dia jugak. Simple design, font chrome rose gold in color. And of course, signature brand logo and...stars!

Sekarang ni banyak ye fake JS dijual dimana-mana and mestilah hampir sama dengan original JS. One more feature yang aku suka about the packaging is the 'locking system' (amboi system katakauuuu) yang ada kat tengkok botol ni haha. Tengkuk pun tengkuk la yek. Basically what it does is bila ka twist, dia akan lock and bunyi 'klik'. Mostly aku baca fake punya JSLL takde macamni ya, cuma twist biasa, Sedikit sebanyak maybe it helps ler ye.

And the applicator handle should be like this ya - CLEAR AND THE APPLICATOR IS NOT FLAT, OR SLANTED FLAT KE. It should be slanted and ada lekuk di situ, Macam dalam pic la yeh. Acik fail la explain kahkahkah. Supaya bila sapu kat bibir just nice ikut shape natural bibir kita :)

Itu la serba sedikit first impression. Product wise, i like. Macam aku kata sangat opaque, dan dries matte. quite fast dia set dan no transfer unless; of course, if you makan oily food laaaahh kan.

Dan marilah kita akhiri dengan pic tuan tanah pakai warna ni in her last makeup session haha. Dah kenapa bulu mata aku macam tercongek pulak padahal ok je. Angle lah tu ya. (Motip explain?!?)



  1. Wow, serious kaler dia lawaaa mcm tuan dia ^___^

    1. hahaha lawa apebendaaanye. Bab kaler tu setuju memang lawa, thanks! :D


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